Online Presentations
Need EMS continuing education credit?
We're beta testing limited online classes. They are currently free.
How to Obtain Credit
To obtain credit, you must:
Watch the entire video
Take and pass the associated quiz
Enter your full name and email address when taking the quiz
NOTE: These online classes confer NCCP continuing education credit as a distributive class. The NCCP limits the number of distributive class hours that qualify for recertification (during the COVID pandemic, some of those restrictions have been relaxed. See the NREMT website or talk with your training officer to learn more.)
Cannabis Emergencies
This presentation explores cannabis emergencies.
Video: Cannabis Emergencies (Dropbox Link)
Quiz: Cannabis Emergencies (Testmoz Link)
Death in Custody
This presentation explores the challenging issues surrounding death in custody. In seeking to understand the death of Elijah McClain in August 2019 and other deaths in custody we must look beyond the actions of the individuals involved and ask whether there are critical deficiencies in EMS protocols, training and leadership that must be addressed. We must examine how to reduce the risk of death in custody and protect our patients and our fellow EMS providers and law enforcement colleagues.
Video: Death in Custody (Dropbox Link)
Quiz: Death in Custody (Testmoz Link)